One More Soul

‘US Rosary Coast-to-Coast’ Planned for October

Joseph Pronechen

Remember the Holy League of Nations that Pope St. Pius V formed in 1571, and the result of the battle they engaged in? Their victory at Lepanto on Oct. 7, 1571 was attributed to the Rosary, and the date became the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.

The new Holy League of Nations is gearing up for another battle this Oct. 7 — using only one weapon — the Rosary.

The battleground is not Lepanto but this entire country. Plus other countries also joining in this international Allied effort. It’s not named Operation This or That, but very much to the point — the “U.S. Rosary Coast to Coast.”

Stirring the People

The website opens with a powerful three-plus minute video that illustrates a stirring homily being given about this call to prayerful arms because so many are wounded in this spiritual battle now raging.

“We are at war. A war without borders. No one is exempt. The bloodless battle affects us all… No man is exempt. No woman excused. The fight has come full force.”

Now there is “a clarion call of the Holy Spirit to engage in spiritual warfare through prayer, fasting, and sacrifice.”

Our Lady gave a clarion call at Quito, LaSalette, Fatima and other apparitions.

We’re reminded that the “spark” from Poland in 2017 as people prayed at the borders for the country then ignited another in Ireland, then the British Isles. Ordinary people answered along with priests and bishops “physically surrounding their nations in active prayer.”

Now the United States is being called upon to do the same at this critical moment in history — to pray at rallies coast-to-coast on Oct. 7.

“We are being called upon to help turn our country back towards God. We must acknowledge as a people that we have turned away from God; we’ve allowed the kingdom of Satan to assault us, we must confess our errors, turn away from the darkness, and

Repair what we as a Church and as a nation, have wrought,” the homily continues.

“We will accomplish this through prayer which will change hearts, change families, change our communities, change our country and change the world.

“St. Padre Pio and St. Maximillian Kolbe both agree that there is no strong weapon in this spiritual battle than the Rosary.”

Padre Pio called the Rosary “The Weapon.”

The homily ends — “We hear the clarion call of the Holy Spirit, through the Immaculata, and each of us sounds the reply in the face of the battle around us: “I’m going in!”


Rallies Movement Quickly Growing

The Rosary Coast to Coast is ready to defend the “dignity of the Human person — Life, Marriage, Family, as well as Religious Liberty — praying at Rosary Rallies across the U.S. and the world on Oct. 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The New Holy League of Nations sees this as “a united front in worldwide spiritual battle, a ‘declaration of war’ not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places (Ephesians 6:12).”

“Together we are calling upon God, through the powerful intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary, to heal our countries and return them to Holiness,” announces their latest statement.

A reported 400 registered rallies span the United States — hopefully hundreds, really thousands more to come. Countries that inspired this Coast to Coast Rally will join the U.S. for this spiritual engagement. Others will too.

Already signed on and enlisted are Poland, the British Isles, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Lebanon, India, Mexico, Panama and some Central and South America countries. More are in the works to sign up in the next weeks.

An entry from St. Faustina’s Diary (1732) has been applied to St. John Paul II, considering him “the spark,” but in this case, considering where the idea came from, can “the spark” also apply to the Rosary Rallies? Jesus said to Faustina: “I bear a special love for Poland, and if she will be obedient to My will, I will exalt her in might and holiness. From her will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming.”

Possible Extra

A recommendation for the Coast to Coast Rally is coming from the U.S. Holy League of Nations where each country involved will be represented in this league. It’s encouraging that member nations also join in the 54-day Rosary Novena, beginning Aug. 15, Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, “for the intentions of reparation and petition for their countries.” The U.S. Novena for Our Nation begins Aug. 15. People can sign up for a daily reminder and reflection.

The Holy League reminded of the encouraging worlds from Bishop John Keenan of Paisley, Scotland after the Rosary on the Coasts in the British Isles this April. He said that “there was something changed in the Catholic Church, in the British Isles… it was as though Catholics are beginning to get the sense, the inspiration that all the problems of the world really can be solved by prayer. It was like a day of New Evangelization. It felt like a day of Grace for us. Therefore, I commend it to the Catholics in the United States.”

The Holy League also quoted Cardinal Raymond Burke: “Let us now turn to the powerful prayer of the Holy Rosary, asking Mary Immaculate to intercede with Our Lord to bring healing to our nation and to inspire in her citizens the holiness of life which alone can transform our nation…”

Watch for new developments and more information in an article later this summer.

In the meantime, obtain promotional materials to get prayer troops forming for the great Oct. 7 event.

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