One More Soul

Called to Give Life

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Called to Give Life helps pastors present the ancient and powerful wisdom of the Church on married sexuality. It includes sample homilies; background from Church Fathers, Scripture, magisterial teaching, and practical pointers for sharing this wisdom. As a sourcebook for catechesis on the blessings of children and the harms of contraception this one is a treasure chest!

One More Soul has many resorces to
preach the Gospel of the Family,
address pastoral care for families &
encourage spouses to be open to life.

“This is exactly what we have been looking for!”

Monsignor Richard Colletti
Vicar General/Chancellor,
Diocese of Winona, MN


Most Useful One More Soul Resources

Called to Give Life helps pastors present the ancient and powerful wisdom of the Church on married sexuality. It includes sample homilies; background from Church Fathers, Scripture, magisterial teaching, and practical pointers for sharing this wisdom.

Read it

Called to Give Life – Second Edition

Author: Adams M.A., Jason T
Code: BCTG

Price: $14.95

A Preachable Message contains testimonies from clergy who have preached from the pulpit on contraception and Natural Family Planning.

Along with the text comes a number of added resources:sample homilies, Scripture texts from various Sundays that readily lead to these topics, and more.

A Preachable Message

Code: BAPM

Price: $15.00

Practically speaking, widespread use of contraception has led directly to massive increases of divorce and abortion. Personal union and yearning for fertility are written physically into the structure of sexual relations, and shutting down one of these aspects hurts the whole relationship.There are practical, workable steps we can take to regain the overflowing life that God desires for us.
Read it Here!

Why Contraception Matters

Author: Patton M.A., J.D., Steve
Code: CWCM

Price: $5.00

Frs. Habiger and McCaffrey tour the United States giving parish missions that introduce people to the Church’s teachings about marriage, sexuality, and contraception. They have talked with hundreds of pastors about these issues. In Getting Beyond ” I Can’t” they discuss common reasons why pastors don’t teach about these issues from the pulpit.

“Getting Beyond I Can’t”

Author: McCaffrey STD, Fr Daniel
Code: PGBI

Price: $1.00

“Contraceptive sex” wrote social science researcher Mary Eberstadt in 2012, “is the fundamental social fact of our time.” In this important and pointed book, Charles E Rice, of the Notre Dame Law School, makes the novel claim that the acceptance of contraception is a prelude to persecution. He makes the striking point that contraception is not essentially about sex. It is a First Commandment issue: Who is God?

Contraception & Persecution

Author: Rice, Charles E
Code: BCPR

Price: $20.00

Taken from the book Called to Give Life, Discerning Just and Serious Reasons for Postponing Pregnancy explores the reasons a married couple might have for postponing their next child. Jason Adams gives sensitive and helpful guidance for couples who want to share their fertility faithfully with God.

Faithful Fertility Discerning Just and Serious Reasons for Postponing Pregnancy

Author: Adams M.A., Jason T
Code: KDJA

Price: $2.00

In Marriage: Communion of Life and Love, Bishop Galeone shares new insights on the Church’s ancient and powerful wisdom. He deals extensively with questions of contraception and Natural Family Planning.Classic line: “Is it normal for a wife to wear ear plugs while listening to her husband?”

Marriage: A Communion of Life and Love

Author: Bishop Victor Galeone
Code: PMCL

Price: $0.35

In New Perspectives on Contraception Dr. DeMarco examines and illuminates how contraception separates people from their spouses, from God, and even from their own best interests. He probes the ideas of choice, personhood, suffering, reality, and love, with poignant and often humorous insights and a style that entertains as well as enlightens. Read it!

New Perspectives on Contraception

Author: DeMarco PhD, Donald
Code: BNPC

Price: $$7.95

In Of Human Life, Archbishop Chaput explains what married love is and provides advice on valuing both the unitive and the procreative aspect of married life. For priests and laity he answers specific questions and provides powerful encouragement to follow the teaching of Humanae Vitae.

Of human life

Author: Chaput OFM Cap, Archbishop Charles
Code: KOHL

Price: $2.00

The stories of 15 physicians who do not prescribe contraceptives and who promote Natural Family Planning. These are powerful accounts of conversion, courage, and conviction. Learn what moved these doctors to risk losing patients, income, and the respect of their peers. Many physicians have been converted after reading this book.

Physicians Healed

Author: Cleta Hartman, editor
Code: BPHC

Price: $4.95

Sterilization Reversal, A Generous Act of Love contains the touching personal stories of 20 couples who chose sterilization as a solution for family difficulties and then were given the grace to choose healing and wholeness in a radical way. Appendices cover medical aspects of reversing sterilization and pastoral reflections on sterilization and reversal by a bishop and a moral theologian.

More information on this book can be found at This website.

Sterilization Reversal – A Generous Act of Love – New Edition

Author: Long, John, editor
Code: BSRA

Price: $12.00


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