One More Soul

This Doctor is Saving Unborn Babies From Abortion After It’s Started, Wait Til You See How

BRAD MATTES   APR 4, 2018   |   11:15AM    WASHINGTON, DC

Many women who’ve chosen abortion afterward immediately regret their decision. Though the abortion industry tells us otherwise, it’s true.

Until recently, women who began taking the chemical abortion pill, commonly known as RU 486, but had second thoughts had no way of stopping the abortion process once it began.

But a new medical breakthrough gives hope to women who want to save their unborn babies.

Dr. George Delgado just released a peer-reviewed study that shows women now have a safe, effective method of reversing chemical abortion.

Dr. Delgado is the medical director of Culture of Life Family Services, a non-profit medical facility in California dedicated to offering pregnant women a life-affirming alternative to abortion. He is passionate about saving babies’ lives and protecting mothers from the trauma and aftermath of abortion. Abortion not only kills a child, but it often harms the mother physically, psychologically and spiritually.

Since the FDA approved RU 486 in 2000, Dr. Delgado and others have worked tirelessly to find a method to reverse chemical abortion.

The latest issue of the medical journal Issues in Law and Medicine features a groundbreaking study by Dr. Delgado and his co-authors that gives babies and their mothers new hope. They find that the effects of mifepristone can be reversed by administering progesterone.

Progesterone is a hormone produced in the ovaries, placenta and adrenal glands that is essential to pregnancy. The administration of this hormone for at-risk pregnancies has been safely used for over forty years.

Mifepristone in the abortion pill blocks the woman’s progesterone receptors which essentially starves the baby to death, robbing him or her of vital nutrients. Then a second drug, misoprostol, is prescribed which causes the uterus to contract and expel the dead baby.

Dr. Delgado finds that “increasing the progesterone levels in a pregnant woman by giving supplemental progesterone” could in many cases “blunt the abortifacient effects of mifepristone.” In 547 cases when patients took progesterone after taking mifepristone but prior to taking misoprostol, 261 patients had successful mifepristone reversals.

Patients taking a high dose oral form of progesterone had a reversal rate of 68%. And those taking injected progesterone saw a reversal rate of 64%. These are remarkable numbers considering that just 25% of chemical abortions were reversed when no treatment was given.

What about dangerous side-effects for the baby? Contrary to what staff at abortion facilities often tell women, the study found no increased risks of pre-term births or birth defects. As Dr. Delgado concludes, “The reversal of the effects of mifepristone using progesterone is safe and effective.”

You can read more details in Dr. Delgado’s new research. Please share it widely. Women need to know that help is available.

In a special two-part edition of our TV program Facing Life Head-On, I interviewed Dr. Delgado, as well as Cynthia Galvan and Becky Buell, who now have beautiful babies they love and adore because of this revolutionary new protocol. As Dr. Delgado said, “Women who change their minds…have a second chance at choice.”

You can watch their stories here: Reversing the Abortion Pill, Part 1 and Reversing the Abortion Pill, Part 2.

A woman who has begun the chemical abortion process but is now doubting her decision can get immediate help through the Abortion Reversal Hotline at (877) 558-0333. Nurse are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to find a doctor in her area who can assist.

Mothers facing unexpected pregnancies need our support and encouragement. We now have an additional tool to show them love and compassion as we work to protect life and help spread this important pro-life message. Note: Bradley Mattes is the President of Life Issues Institute, a national pro-life educational group.

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