One More Soul

She Was in a Coma For Her Entire Pregnancy, After Her Baby Was Born She Woke Up

MICAIAH BILGER   AUG 21, 2018   |   5:36PM    NEW DELHI, INDIA

A mother in India recently gave birth to a baby boy while in a coma and then surprised doctors by waking up when she heard her son’s cries.

The Indian news site Manorama Online reports Betina, of Kottayam, India, fell on Jan. 2 and sustained a severe head injury. The report described her as “half dead” when she arrived at the Caritas Hospital.

Doctors later determined that she had brain damage and, another complication, she also was about 9 weeks pregnant.

Tests determined that her unborn baby’s heartbeat was low and doctors feared the baby, a boy, would not survive to birth. They recommended an abortion.

Betina was transferred to the Kottayam Medical College Hospital where her unborn baby was supposed to be aborted, but doctors there gave a different opinion. According to the report, they said the abortion would put Betina’s health at even greater risk. Their decision proved to be life-saving.

Two weeks later, another scan showed the unborn baby was growing normally, and his heart rate had increased to a normal rate, according to the report.

At the same time, Betina was battling several life-threatening infections, but she also pulled through. Doctors said their hope for the mother and her unborn son began to grow steadily with each week.

Her husband, Anoop, said he sometimes put his hand on his wife’s stomach to feel the baby kicking.

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, a test revealed that the amniotic fluid in Betina’s womb was unusually low, and they decided to deliver her baby via cesarean section, the report states. Baby Elvin was born on June 14.

Doctors said his life was a miracle. But the miracles did not end there.

When Elvin began to cry, doctors said they noticed that Betina’s eyes began to move, slightly at first, according to the report. They laid Elvin beside her, and her eyes began to fill with tears. Doctors said she made an effort to move her arms to touch her son, the report states.

The doctors said they kept Elvin by his mother’s side as much as possible, and his laughter and cries seemed to help his mother more than anything else. They said she improved significantly over the next several weeks.

Though she remains in the hospital, Betina now can move her hands and fingers, and she often tries to hold her baby boy, according to doctors.

The report concluded:

The baby was christened Elvin, meaning “beloved friend” as he has been to his mother. On the day of Elvin’s baptism ceremony, Betina was made to sit in a wheelchair for the first time. When baby Elvin was placed on her lap, she smiled and touched him with all the love of a mother.

His tiny life almost was destroyed in an abortion, but because doctors allowed him to live instead, both he and his mother now have hope for the future.

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