One More Soul

Pope Francis: “We are Called to Safeguard and Defend Human Life, Especially in the Mother’s Womb”

STEVEN ERTELT   OCT 16, 2017   |   11:02AM    THE VATICAN

Pope Francis has been a consistent pro-life advocate since becoming the leader of the Catholic Church and he is once again speaking out against abortion and in favor of protecting unborn children.

In a tweet that has been liked by tens of thousands of people across the world, Pope Francis said people should protect human life from conception until natural death. His tweet condemns both abortion as well as euthanasia and assisted suicide.

“We are called to defend and safeguard human life, especially in the mother’s womb, in infancy, old age and physical or mental disability,” he said.

We are called to defend and safeguard human life, especially in the mother’s womb, in infancy, old age and physical or mental disability.

A new book released last month contains thoughts and commentary from Pope Francis based on a series of interviews has the leader of the Catholic Church. The book makes it clear Pope Francis believes there should be no compromise on the longstanding pro-life teachings of the Catholic Church.

The Pope makes it clear that the Catholic Church takes two heartfelt positions when it comes to abortion. First the church takes a clear cut stance in opposition to abortion itself as the destruction of human life. Pope Francis, 80, minced no words when it came to abortion, but did offer a gentle sentiment to women who have opted to abort their unborn children.

“[Abortion is the] murder of an innocent person,” Francis said. “But if there is sin, forgiveness must be facilitated.”

Secondly the Catholic Church also believes in restoration for women who have had abortions.

As the Bible plainly teaches, there is no sin too big for God to forgive via the redemption found in the life-saving death and resurrection of his son Jesus Christ. Both Catholic and Protestant organizations have spent decades reaching out to post-abortive women and offering Bible studies and counseling to help repair their relationship with God and provide them emotional and spiritual support.

Francis stressed those themes of Mercy, Grace and forgiveness during the conversations he had in the interview. He added that many women are emotionally and spiritually scarred before finding God’s forgiveness for her sin.

“Think of a woman who has physical memory of her child, which oftentimes happens, and who cries, who cries for years without the courage to go to see a priest,” the pope explained. “Do you realize how many people can finally breathe?” he asked, reminding people that forgiveness is there for those who seek it.

Pope Francis said that while women who abort their children need to seek and accept the Lord’s forgiveness, it is imperative that they never commit the sin again.

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