One More Soul

Planned Parenthood Abortion Business May Open Clinic at Local High School

Micaiah Bilger Aug 18, 2017 | 11:50AM Reading, Pennsylvania

Parents and pro-life advocates urged a Pennsylvania school board Wednesday to reject a proposal to put a Planned Parenthood-run facility inside Reading High School.

The Reading Eagle reports the facility would not do abortions at the high school, but Planned Parenthood staffers would offer students sex education, counseling about reproductive health and referrals to their abortion facility in Reading.

Pro-lifers with Students for Life, the Pennsylvania Family Institute and others have been joining local parents to protest the proposal in the past few months. On June 21, about 80 pro-life advocates stood outside the Reading School District to urge the school board to oppose the Planned Parenthood-run center.

The center was proposed by the sex education advocacy group AccessMatters in May 2017 and would be facilitated by Planned Parenthood Keystone. The center would be located inside the high school and would give the abortion chain direct access to young, vulnerable students.

In addition, the center would be paid for by tax dollars, according to the Pennsylvania Family Institute.

According to the local news report:

Those who support the program advocate helping young people in Reading make more informed decisions about their own reproductive health, while those opposed bemoan the possibility of a Planned Parenthood staff member interacting with students.

The argument centers largely on abortion rights, though the program itself does not address that issue and simply seeks to provide optional counseling services to students with questions about reproductive health. For all services besides counseling and condoms, students would receive referrals to the Planned Parenthood location in Reading.

… AccessMatters, an organization based in Philadelphia, would oversee the program while Planned Parenthood Keystone would manage daily operations and assign a staff member to hold office hours in the school. Funding would come from the Pennsylvania Department of Health at no cost to the district.

The school board is scheduled to vote on the proposal on Aug. 23.

Students for Life explains why it is involved:

We know that Planned Parenthood’s business is abortion, and their target audience is students. Planned Parenthood affiliates in Pennsylvania perform over half of the abortions in the state. They are the leading abortion advocate and provider, and their state annual reports continue to show that over 90% of their pregnancy services (i.e. prenatal care, adoption referrals, and abortion). There is no doubt that their counseling will biased (as noted repeatedly by former Planned Parenthood works and directors) and that women and preborn children will be at risk if Planned Parenthood enters these high schools.

In May, a school district in Michigan rejected a similar proposal after pro-life advocates and parents protested a plan to have Planned Parenthood teach sex education in their schools.

According to the NPR Michigan affiliate, Saline Area Schools asked local residents for their opinions about a proposal to allow Planned Parenthood-trained teens to teach sex education to students at its schools. In May, school officials said they abandoned the proposal because of the overwhelmingly negative responses they received from the public.

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the United States, aborting more than 300,000 unborn babies every year. The abortion chain also teaches sex education in public schools across the country, and promotes risky sexual behavior to vulnerable young teens at its clinics.

In 2014, Live Action released an undercover video series showing Planned Parenthood employees encouraging young teens to participate in sado-masochistic sexual activities, including gagging, whipping, asphyxiation, shopping at sex stores and viewing pornography.

LifeNews also reported Planned Parenthood’s booklet for HIV-positive youth, “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” tells young people that it is their “human right” to not tell their partner that they have HIV.

The abortion giant also publishes multiple “resources” for children and teenagers concerning sexual activity. These materials claim to provide “age appropriate” sex education to children starting at age 4.

Planned Parenthood justifies starting sex-education at such a young age by stating, “Ideally, medical accurate sexuality education would be taught each year in our schools from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade.”


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