One More Soul

No Arms? No Legs? No Problem: The Amazing Adoption Story of Bowen

by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 9/9/14 5:12 PM

Bowen isn’t perfect, which could have made him a prime candidate for an abortion. But the story of this little Serbian boy ends differently — much differently.

Devon Toomey couldn’t take her eyes off of Bowen when she first met him — not because he was disfigured or ghastly, but because he was simply a little boy who needed the love of adoptive parents. Helpless and alone in his crib, Bowen just needed the same thing any 18-month-old needed: someone to love and take care of him.

“I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I just loved him the moment I saw him,” adoptive mother Devon Toomey told KTVB-TV. “I just knew, I just knew he was our son when I saw him.”

“He wasn’t moving at all, he couldn’t sit up, he couldn’t roll over,” Devon said. “He didn’t know how to eat or to chew.”

I have honestly felt that when the time was right, our child would find us. I truly felt we would be brought together in one way or another. So for the last few years, when people would ask where we wanted to adopt, what age, etc. I would simply state “We’re not really sure. We want to leave our options open so our child can find us.” Well, on October 1, 2009 this is precisely what happened. After having an adoption conversation with two of my good friends, I came home and looked on Reece’s Rainbow. Now, this was nothing new for me. I have been looking at Reece’s Rainbow for years. I would always find amazing kids on there but I never felt that push to pursue a specific child because as I know now, my child had not even been born yet. On that beautiful October day however, everything changed! Our lives changed forever that day and for that we are so grateful.

Now Bowen has started kindergarten, he enjoys swimming and playing on the trampoline, and is doing just great.

Below is more on this very special adoption story:en quickly surprised his family and his doctors.

“Within a couple of months, he was rolling over, sitting, doing all sorts of stuff.”

You can tell how proud his brothers are of him. They are his biggest fans.

“He can go up the stairs,” brags big brother Heath. “He can eat, we have this band that has hole and you can put the spoon in it and he can dip it in the bowl.”

He also bounces on the trampoline, writes, and reads books.

“Heath has always been very protective of him, as you can imagine when we’re out and about you get a lot of double takes,” said Jeremy. “If they say anything mean, Heath’s all over them.”

Bowen’s family exposes him to everything, but swimming is his favorite activity.

“I think (the pool) is the one place he doesn’t feel a lot of limitations,” said Devon.

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