One More Soul

Life is the ‘true source of America’s greatness

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 22, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) — President Donald Trump affirmed the importance of the right to life and called on pro-life voters to help secure it Tuesday night, in his keynote address at the Susan B. Anthony List’s 11th annual Campaign for Life Gala.

In a speech bookended by lengthy applause, Trump began by acknowledging many of the pro-life activists and lawmakers in the audience, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-LA, Rep. Steve King, R-IA, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-TN, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-OH. From there he transitioned to an overview of the current prognosis for the fall midterm elections, citing a new Reuters poll finding Republicans have taken the lead in the generic congressional ballot.

Yet there was still more work that needed to be done, the president said, to elect more lawmakers who “share our values, cherish our heritage, and proudly stand for life.”

Trump reminded the audience that he campaigned for president pledging to protect life, and he listed progress he’s made doing so thus far: reinstating the Mexico City policy barring overseas abortion funding, signing a law letting states defund abortion providers, appointing a record number of federal judges, protecting religious liberty, disqualifying abortion facilities from family planning subsidies, and championing a ban on abortions at 20 weeks, at which point preborn babies can feel pain.

Unfortunately, he lamented, Democrats are “doing everything in their power to block” the last measure, leaving it nine Senate votes short of the supermajority necessary to break a filibuster under current Senate rules.

Trump expressed optimism that Republicans could close that gap in this fall’s Senate races “if we work hard between now and November,” and singled out Democrat Sens. Jon Tester, Heidi Heitkamp, Claire McCaskill, and Debbie Stabenow for voting to continue late-term abortion.

The president then spent several minutes touting his economic policies, foreign policy decisions, and job creation record, and discussing illegal immigration, but soon brought the conversation back to his efforts to appeal to voters “who want a government that protects family, faith, and life.”

“We can’t be complacent. What happens historically, a tremendous percentage of the time, is that you win the election and become complacent,” Trump warned. “We sit back, the other side has energy, and they win.” But he said he doesn’t believe history will repeat itself this year.

“This organization bears the name of one of the biggest heroines of freedom, Susan B. Anthony,” Trump noted. “She fought to end slavery, restore women’s right to vote & respect the dignity of every person. Now we have a chance to honor her legacy and restore the first right in the Declaration of Independence. It’s called the right to life.”

The president then told the story of Lisa and Bruce Alexander, a couple in attendance who adopted their now-four-year-old daughter Katherine despite her being born with an opioid addiction. Trump invited the little girl on stage to warm applause.

“At the age of two, she memorized ‘America the Beautiful,’” Trump revealed. “She recites poetry, and recently she announced to her dad that when she grows up she wants to be a famous police officer, and then when she gets tired of that, she wants to become president.”

“We celebrate all lives, we celebrate the loving choice of adoption,” the president declared. “Katherine reminds us that every life is sacred, that every child is a loving gift from God.”

“When we stand for life, we stand for the true source of America’s greatness: it’s our people,” Trump declared. “It’s the people who grace our lives, who sustain our communities, and who make America a nation, a home, and this magnificent land we all love so much.”

The president concluded his remarks by calling on the audience to “vote for family, vote for love, vote for faith and values, vote for country, and vote for life.”

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