One More Soul

Doctors Said This 6-Year-Old Girl Was “Brain Dead” After a Car Wreck, Now She’s Walking Again

Micaiah Bilger May 16, 2018 | 4:35PM Queensland, Australia

Mackinlee Anderson nearly died of severe brain injuries last September after her family was involved in a multiple-vehicle accident.

Anderson’s grandmother died, and the 6-year-old sustained major injuries. Doctors initially told her family that she was “99.8 percent brain dead” and would never walk, talk or eat on her own again – if she survived at all, the Daily Mail reports.

Now, she can do all three.

Her family and friends nicknamed her the “miracle girl.”

The Queensland, Australian girl recently took her first steps on her own after the accident, according to the blog Now To Love. She has come a long way.

In September, she and her family were visiting her grandparents when they were involved in a major vehicle crash on a highway in New South Wales, according to the report. Her grandmother died, and she, her brother and mother all were injured.

Mackinlee’s injuries almost claimed her life. Her family said she had a broken pelvis and femur, ruptured bladder, dislocated hip, paralysis and extensive brain injuries and brain trauma.

“We were pretty much in a place there where the doctors thought there was no hope for her,” her mother, Kylee Anderson, told

But 32 days after the accident, she began to talk again. Mackinlee said “mom” that day, and later called her cousin to wish her a happy birthday, the family said on their GoFundMe page. Last week, her family said she took her first unaided steps since the accident.

“It is amazing, we are still just in shock,” her mother said. “Mackinlee amazes me every day with her determination. Every day the doctors say she can’t do something and the next day she can do it.”

The 6-year-old spent five and a half months in the hospital, but she now is home. Though Mackinlee still has a number of medical needs, her family said she is doing so much better than expected.

“She takes us by surprise every day. They told me that she wouldn’t be the same little girl. Well, she is the same little girl she was before the accident,” her mother said.

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