One More Soul

CCL to host family conference for Humane Vitae’s 50th anniversary

CCL to host family conference for Humanae Vitae’s 50th anniversary

CCLI is excited to announce the upcoming family conference titled “Families, become what you are!: Celebrating Humanae Vitae as the bedrock of family life.” The event is open to everyone and will be held on July 6-7, 2018, at the Sharonville Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, this celebration comes just weeks before Humanae Vitae’s (HV) 50th anniversary and is designed to be a joyful way to thank God for the gifts of marriage, family life and the blessings that have come from the prophetic encyclical. The conference will inspire families to shine their light by strengthening them as a unit, and equipping them to be sent forth as missionary disciples in the world.

The two-day event will include well-loved speakers such as Janet E. Smith, Christopher West, Ben Nguyen and Eric Sammons; a Spanish track complete with all-Spanish workshops; daily Mass and adoration; a family-friendly concert; and — perhaps most anticipated of all — a 5-hour “Family Fun” session, set aside for families to create memories together on the town by exploring the Cincinnati’s Zoo, the Newport Aquarium, or another of many other attractions in our beautiful city!

While there will be many HV events throughout 2018 — HV’s 50th year — many will be philosophical, theological and academic. These are all very important facets of the anniversary to explore, but we decided to host a joyful celebration of lives lived according to HV and to thank the Church for consistently defending God’s loving will for the family and all of the blessings that flow from it.


In addition to the program on Friday and Saturday, there will be a pre-conference day on Thursday, July 5, reserved specifically for CCL volunteers from across the nation to enjoy valuable continuing education.

This special weekend will include keynote talks delivered by Janet E. Smith and Christopher West.

Janet E. Smith is a professor of moral theology at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. She is currently serving a third term as a consultor to the Pontifical Council on the Family, and regularly speaks on the Church’s teaching regarding sexuality and bioethics. She has participated in many EWTN series and is no stranger to Catholic media. At our HV conference, Smith will discuss how the family acts as a path to holiness.


Christopher West is best known for his work making St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB) available and accessible to all ages. He’s the founder of the COR Project and travels internationally to share the Church’s life-changing teaching on marriage, sex and the family. West will expound upon how HV and TOB are closely linked.

Friday and Saturday workshops include a variety of themes, including discussions on the feminine genius, Catholic manhood, TOB for children, the domestic church and much more.

The two-day conference is open to all families across the nation, and includes a childcare program for ages 3 to 18. Children two and under will remain with their parents. We’ve already extended invitations to 43 dioceses in nine surrounding states, including Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, West Virginia, North Carolina and Kansas. If you’d like to spread the word in your own area, feel free to contact Angela Exner at We’d love to see all 50 states represented!

The conference center has a hotel attached and there are at least four other hotels on the same street. The Sharonville Convention Center is located less than 30 minutes north of downtown Cincinnati.

Keep an eye out on our social media for more information regarding registration and full conference details. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or through our Family Foundations magazine.

— Forest Hempen
Marketing and Communications Associate

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