One More Soul

Abortionist Loses Medical License


Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

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The “safe and legal abortion” myth suffered yet another blow on Friday when the Florida Board of Medicine revoked the medical license of late-term abortionist James Scott Pendergraft, IV who was arrested for operating an illegal home abortion and drug distribution business out of the back of his van. As usual, the so-called “pro-woman” mainstream media utterly ignored the story.

According to Operation Rescue, the revocation occurred on December 7 when the Florida Board of Medicine voted to revoke Pendergraft’s license after discovering that he was practicing medicine out of the back of a van in South Carolina where he holds no license to practice medicine.

Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Vice President of Operation Rescue, the grass-roots pro-life organization that filed the initial complaint, attended the Board meeting when the disciplinary action was announced.

Sullenger reports: “Pendergraft was arrested on October 5, 2015, in Spartanburg County by Sheriff’s Deputies who were conducting a routine traffic stop. Deputies found illegal drugs, including Fentanyl, LSD, and marijuana in his vehicle along with bloody abortion instruments with tissue still attached used in illicit home abortions.”

This led to Pendergraft’s conviction of ten drug offenses. He is currently serving a five-year term of probation.

What should alarm all women, whether they are pro-life or pro-abortion, is that at the time of this arrest, Pendergraft was serving his fifth license suspension in Florida where he operated a chain of abortion facilities, some of which have permanently closed.

“Ownership his other clinics have been transferred to his former wife, while yet others have been converted into medicinal marijuana clinics,” Sullenger reports.

Despite the transfer of business ownership on paper, pro-life activists tell Operation Rescue that Pendergraft is still seen regularly entering his so-called “former” abortion facilities during business hours and holds an interest in the medicinal marijuana businesses.

“This license revocation was years in the making and was the result of the work and prayers of countless pro-life activists on the ground outside Pendergraft’s abortion facilities and in our office,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “This is a victory for all of us, especially women and babies who will no longer be placed at risk by James Pendergraft’s dangerous practices.”

Despite how relevant this information is to the overall picture of abortion in America, there was not a single report published by the mainstream media about this man who lost his license for operating an abortion business out of his van.

Looking out for the “reproductive health care” of women in America means reporting all the facts, not just those that support the pro-abortion view. All women, regardless of where they stand on the abortion issue, deserve to know that seedy abortionists like Pendergraff are very much a part of the “safe and legal” abortion establishment in the U.S.

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