One More Soul


Building The Civilization Of Love One Life At A Time

by Vince Sacksteder Spreading the Culture of Death seems to be as easy as growing dandelions while building the Civilization of Love seems to be as tough as growing prize roses. Going the easy way, however, yields very bitter fruit, and taking the more challenging path brings fulfillment of all our best heart’s desires. With …

Building The Civilization Of Love One Life At A Time Read More »

Las Cuatro Llaves Para un Matrimonio Feliz y Saludable

Por: Bonnie Borel-Donohue ¿Quién podría ser el mejor ejemplo de cómo amar a su cónyuge que el Máximo Amante, Dios? Pero, ¿cómo ama Dios? Después de haber meditado sobre esta pregunta, el Papa Pablo VI y el Papa Juan Pablo II discernieron cuatro características claves del amor de Dios. El amor de Dios es siempre: …

Las Cuatro Llaves Para un Matrimonio Feliz y Saludable Read More »

Why Contraception Matters

Practically speaking, widespread use of contraception has led directly to massive increases of divorce and abortion. Personal union and yearning for fertility are written physically into the structure of sexual relations, and shutting down one of these aspects hurts the whole relationship. Steve Patton provides practical, workable steps we can take to regain the overflowing life that God desires for us.

The Pill vs. NFP

In this article Dr. Fernandez describes the spiritual struggle of removing contraceptives and sterilization from his practice. He then explains the damage (physical, emotional, and relational) from contraception, and the corresponding benefits from Natural Family Planning.

Divorce Rate Graph and History Table

When use of the contraceptive pill saturated US society during the years 1960 through 1980, there was an increase in the US divorce rate that followed the increase in pill use with remarkable conformity. Various social scientists have concluded that this is no coincidence. This document includes a graph of the US divorce rate from 1880 to 2002 and a table of historical events of these times that shed some light on the story the graph tells.

Homilies from Called to Give Life

This is a collection of resources for pastors and other pastoral leaders to help present the ancient and powerful wisdom of the Christian church on married sexuality.Includes a collection of homilies addressing these concerns; background from the Church fathers, Scripture, and magisterial teaching; and practical pointers for transmitting this wisdom.

Getting Beyond “I Can’t”

Frs. Habiger and McCaffrey tour the United States giving parish missions that introduce people to the Church’s teachings about marriage, sexuality, and contraception. They have talked with hundreds of pastors about these issues, and in this booklet they discuss common reasons why pastors don’t teach about these issues from the pulpit.

Teaching Fertility Appreciation

This article gives the necessary tools for teaching a changed lifestyle to clients of a pregnancy support center. It is also an effective tool for presenting chastity to young adults and other single people. The program teaches just how precious our procreative powers are, and how to manage them in a way that builds up our lives.

Sensible Sex

The article is the true story of one couples struggle with contraception. Ruth tells how contraception, followed by sterilization, filled their marriage with bitter self-centeredness. Later, through repentance and conversion, they found renewed hope and joy.

Why Is Contraception Immoral?

Contraception is often presented as a mere flaw in an otherwise loving and fruitful marriage relationship. This article, taken from the book Called to Give Life, shows exactly how and why contraception obstructs and defeats the generous flow of love between the spouses and God and from one spouse to the other.

Matrimonio: Una Comunión de Vida y Amor

Basándose en las Escrituras y en el sentido común, el Obispo Galeone comparte la sabiduría antigua y poderoso de la Iglesia sobre el matrimonio y la sexualidad. El trata extensivamente con las preguntas sobre la anticoncepción y la Planificación Natural de la Familia. Frase clásica: “¿Es normal para una esposa que se ponga tapones en los oídos mientras está escuchando a su esposo?”

La Solución

Cómo llegamos de la anticoncepción por razones “serias” al aborto (aún al aborto por parto parcial/infanticidio) por cualquiera y toda razón, y cómo recobrar la cordura, este folleto describe la historia de gran éxito del movimiento anticonceptivo en nuestro tiempo. Entonces describe estrategias factibles para regresar a la forma que era antes.

El riesgo de cáncer de seno debido al Aborto

Información contenida en el libro Breast Cancer, It’s Link to Abortion and the Birth Control Pill, presentada en forma breve y muy persuasiva. Hemos recibido cartas y llamadas telefónicas contándonos que las vidas de varios bebés fueron salvadas cuando sus madres, quienes consideraban el aborto, leyeron este folleto.

The Cure

This pamphlet describes the history of the contraceptive movement’s overwhelming success in our day, and describes workable strategies for turning this around.

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