One More Soul

Video Shows Tenth Planned Parenthood Abortion Center Hiding Sexual Abuse

Milwaukee, WI ( — New undercover video footage shows the tenth Planned Parenthood abortion center across the nation engaged in covering up a potential case of sexual abuse of a minor. The video shows staff at a Wisconsin facility counseling a purportedly 14-year-old girl to not divulge how a 31-year-old man impregnated her.

The video also shows Planned Parenthood staff coaching the girl on how to obtain an abortion without her parent’s consent — in violation of Wisconsin state law.

The new video is the latest from Live Action, a group of college students dedicated to exposing illegal and unethical practices at Planned Parenthood abortion centers. Their investigative work has exposed Planned Parenthood facilities in five other states resulting in firing staff, attempts to cut Planned Parenthood government funding, and investigations from the state health department.

After hearing the girl is allegedly 14 and her boyfriend is “much older,” the new video shows the Planned Parenthood counselor saying whether the statutory rape will be reported to authorities “depends on the person you’re disclosing that information to.”

When the girl says that her boyfriend is 31, the counselor tells her, “You don’t have to say anything” about the statutory rape and instructs her, “Just give them the information that’s needed.”

The counselor also confirms that the 31- year-old “boyfriend” will be paying for the abortion the actor posing as the underage minor is allegedly seeking.


In Wisconsin, state law spells out that sexual relations between an adult and a minor under the age of 16 is a felony and health care professionals are required to report such cases to law enforcement immediately. The law specifically includes abortion providers in the reporting requirement.

UCLA student Lila Rose, Live Action’s president, says her organization’s videos reveal a common trend of unethical counseling practices and disregard for the law at Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion business in the United States.

“In case after case, Planned Parenthood acts in contempt of its legal and professional obligations to report child rape,” she told today.

Rose says the video and the problems at Planned Parenthood have national implications, especially in light of the national health care bills and federal legislation that gives billions to the abortion agency.

“At a time when the Obama administration, through its new health care plan, is offering potentially billions of dollars to the abortion industry, state and federal lawmakers need to take notice of Planned Parenthood’s lawlessness and make certain they receive no more taxpayer subsidies,” she said.

Live Action is also responsible for a recent video expose‘ of biased counseling and medical misinformation at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. Wisconsin law requires that women be provided accurate medical information before undergoing an abortion.

“The evidence is now available for all to see that Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin ignores state laws that have been in place for years,” Rose says. “Wisconsin law enforcement needs to follow the lead of other jurisdictions, investigate this corrupt organization, and enforce the laws that protect vulnerable women and their pre-born children.”

Live Action previously highlighted problems at Planned Parenthoods in California, Indiana, Arizona, Tennessee, and Alabama.

The Alabama Department of Health put a Birmingham Planned Parenthood on probation two weeks ago after finding numerous additional legal violations after the video prompted officials there to conduct an investigation.

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