One More Soul

Terri Schiavo Foundation Benefit Concert Features Randy Travis, Collin Raye

St. Petersburg, FL ( — The family of Terri Schiavo, the disabled woman whose husband killed her by depriving her of food and water, will sponsor a benefit concert to raise funds for its foundation to help other patients like her. The show will feature popular country music recording artists Randy Travis and Collin Raye.

The Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation is sponsoring the first-annual “Terri Schiavo Life and Hope” concert which will be held at the Murat Theatre in Indianapolis, Indiana on Sunday, April 11.

“The concert comes just days after the fifth anniversary of Terri Schiavo’s death and will benefit the Foundation established by her family,” the Schindler family told today.

“This concert showcases two award-winning country stars in a rare appearance together on the same stage,” the family foundation added. “It promises to be a fabulous music show, long to be remembered by country music fans.”

With one of the most recognizable voices in country music and over twenty-five years on the country music charts, Randy Travis is one of the top-ten selling solo country artists of all time.

Collin Raye has produced five Platinum Albums, and fifteen #1 hits, but the benefit concert isn’t just another show, the foundation says.

“But perhaps the closest to Collin’s heart is his granddaughter, Haley, who is afflicted with a rare degenerative brain disorder. Collin has worked tirelessly to help find a cure for Haley and has helped other families who are faced with similar situations,” the family told

The death of Terri Schiavo set off a national and international debate over assisted suicide, euthanasia and end-of-life issues.

Terri’s husband Michael Schiavo sought and won a court order to remove her feeding tube and take her life even though Terri’s parents and family made repeated offers to provide for her care and rehabilitative support. They eventually lost a legal battle to establish her right to live despite support from Congress and the Florida legislature.

Terri’s legacy continues to touch lives every day thanks to the work of Terri’s Foundation, a nonprofit group established to educate and assist families – enabling them to better protect the rights and lives of their cognitively disabled loved ones.

“Funds raised through ticket sales and sponsorships for this event will allow Terri’s Foundation to honor her legacy in many ways. Most importantly, it will allow the foundation to continue protecting the lives of vulnerable persons who are in jeopardy of having their deaths hastened,” the foundation said.

Related web sites:
Terri Schiavo Foundation benefit show –
Terri Schiavo Foundation –

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