One More Soul

Day of Purity Urges Youth to Take Abstinence Pledge Before Valentine’s Day

Washington, DC ( — As Valentine’s Day approaches and many youth and young adults decide whether or not have to have sex for the first time, the Day of Purity presents a pro-abstinence response. A project of the Liberty Counsel, the projects asks youth to make an abstinence pledge on February 12.

The Day of Purity marks its seventh year this year with its calls for youth of all ages to remain sexually pure until marriage.

“The Day of Purity gives the youth of our nation an opportunity to stand against cultural expectations shoved on them through the media. We are encouraging youth to respect themselves and their friends,” says Amber Haskew, the Day of Purity national coordinator.

She says the response every year from young adults and youth is phenomenal.

“We’ve received thousands of e-mails from students around the world who want to make a public commitment for sexual purity and to share that choice with their friends,” she said.

The project has a web site that allows visitors to download Day of Purity planning materials to promote it in their school or community, LivePure wristbands, and t-shirts.

The web site also lists hundreds of participating college and high schools as well as organizations from across the country and around the world that are involved.

World Congress of Families is one of the pro-life organizations that enthusiastically endorses the Day of Purity.

WCF Managing Director Larry Jacobs told today, “With the culture — including the news and entertainment media, public education, and government — constantly pushing teen sexual experimentation, it’s refreshing to have a day specifically dedicated to promoting premarital abstinence.”

Jacobs continued: “‘Day of Purity’ is a project of Liberty Counsel, which is to be commended for its contribution here.”

“The message of ‘Day of Purity’ is truly countercultural,” Jacobs observed.

The culture tells teens it doesn’t matter what they do, as long as they use a condom. The dubious wisdom of this approach may be seen in skyrocketing rates of venereal disease, teen abortions and out-of-wedlock births; not to mention the high rates of teen depression and mental illness,” he said.

That 3 million American teens contract a sexually transmitted disease each year would suggest that “safe-sex” is the quintessential oxymoron, Jacobs explains.

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